About Me

Hey! My name's Clara, co-author of the Creativity Journal for Kids. That's right – I'm a published author by the age of 12! Insane, right?!

I like to read, play games, do 3D animation (or at least try to ;-;), and explore new things. Feel free to explore this website, and learn with me!

I'm probably going to look back at this post 20 years from now when I'm famous and have a bunch of moola and say, "Wow. This is old. I didn't even know how to do screen-teleporting transportation then!" or something. Hey, we all have to start somewhere.

In January, I started my own Zoom mystery reader initiative for grades K-5 and to date, I have read to more than 100 students in 5 different schools. I use e-books along with the screen-share function in Zoom and combine sound effects with an expressive tone of voice to bring stories to life. I would love to scale this idea for further community impact. I know there is a demand for this kind of service because I get bookings regularly, and I have bookings all the way up to May. I've even been considering turning this idea into a non-profit organization. Someday... someday.

Me doing supa-kewl mystery reader things. With a supa-kewl microphone. With two supa-kewl computers.

I hope you'll enjoy learning and exploring with me. Also, please consider joining my sister's newsletter! Until next time, I'll see you then! Don't forget to stay fresh, stay off the hook, and remember – what would dodos do?

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